Baguio-Benguet Young Journalists Attend CEGP Congress 2022

Baguio-Benguet Young Journalists Attend CEGP Congress 2022

College Editors Guild of the Philippines (CEGP) - Cordillera holds its Baguio-Benguet Congress 2022 after 5 years. CEGP is conducting a two-day activity on campus press and media as bearers of truth and genuine democracy on October 8 to 9, 2022 at the Albert Hall, Teachers Camp, Baguio City, Philippines.

Guest Speaker Hon. Arthur Allad-iw, Councilor of Baguio City, expressed his hopes for the young campus journalists of Baguio-Benguet to continue using journalism as a way to fight disinformation especially now that fake news is rampant on social media. He also raised the issue of red-tagging of various sectors including journalist, human rights and environmental defenders, and Indigenous peoples, among others.


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The two-day activity's objectives include journalism skills training and providing a venue for young journalists to socialize and network with other publication groups to unite for a single call, to defend press freedom.

Tebtebba joins the call to defend press freedom; stop harassment and killings of journalists and human rights and environmental defenders; stop red-tagging; and implement enacted laws to protect said individuals.

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