Tebtebba and RSC select 6 proposals for consideration; Approves four

Tebtebba and RSC select 6 proposals for consideration; Approves four

We would like to extend our appreciation to all those who sent their applications to the Forest Carbon Partnership Facility Capacity Building on REDD+ for Forest Dependent Indigenous Peoples in East Asia and the Pacific and South Asia Regions Project.  Based on the prioritization ratings of three (3) Regional Steering Committee Members (RSC), the top six (6) sub-project proposals were considered taking into account geographic distribution.  

These 6 proposals were further reviewed by Tebtebba, which provided comments to improve/strengthen the sub-project proposals.  

Tebtebba also did due diligence on the proposing organizations based on the eligibility criteria.  

To date, four proposals were approved for funding of which 2 are waiting required government clearance:

  1. "Building Capacity for Fiji’s Forest Dependent Indigenous Men and Women to Actively Participate in the Fiji REDD+ Readiness Program” by Soqosoqo Vakamarama I Taukei Trust Board, Fiji;
  2. "Capacity Building on REDD+ readiness for Forest Dependent communities-Buli, Zhemgang” proposed by the Royal Society for Protection of Nature (RSPN), Bhutan
  3. "Building for REDD+ in Rural Bhutan” from Tarayana Foundation, Bhutan; and
  4. "Capacity building for the ethnic communities to be ready to actively participate in REDD+ area as an independent stakeholder through their legal entities” from the Hoa Binh Cooperative for Agro-Forestry and Environment, Vietnam

The proposal from the Papua New Guinea Eco-Forestry Forum is undergoing revision and a new entity in Vanuatu has just been identified to submit a project proposal.  

Tebtebba thanks organizations and institutions who have submitted sub-project proposals in this capacity building project.


February 20, 2018 Update:

The proposal from Papua New Guinea was dropped.  Additional subprojects were approved from Vanuatu (Vanuatu Foresters Association) and from Vietnam (International Center for Tropical Highland Ecosystems Research).  All this 6 projects were funded under the Parent Financing.

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