20 December 2016 (Baguio City, Philippines) - Tebtebba and the Forest Carbon Partnership Facility (FCPF) of the World Bank launches the FCPF Capacity Building on REDD+ for Forest-Dependent Indigenous Peoples in East Asia and Pacific (EAP) and South Asia Region (SAR).
The capacity building project aims to strengthen: (i) the knowledge of targeted forest-dependent indigenous peoples on REDD+ Readiness at the national level and (ii) knowledge exchange at the regional level.
The project's duration will be from October 2016 - October 2018 and will have 3 components, among which are the following:
- National Capacity Building and Awareness Raising to support capacity building and awareness raising activities of forest-dependent IP communities and of national or local organizations representing Forest-Dependent Indigenous Peoples, to enable them to engage government and other stakeholders involved in REDD+ processes.
- Regional Exchange and Sharing of Lessons Learned to finance activities that aim to document and publicize program activities with a view to highlighting good practices and lessons learned. Activities to be supported will include a dissemination and awareness workshop as well as the publication of written and audio-visual materials.
Tebtebba is the recipient of the project for the East Asia and Pacific and South Asia regions.